Candy Cane
Each of our pillars are different prices depending on the style, complexity, and also the way it stands, freestanding or frame.
Please get in touch to find out the best price we can off for you.
Candy Cane Pillars start at £35 per item. They do come with a metal pole for standing which have a £15 refundable deposit on each pole.
“Balloons are, by nature, temporary items: Although Balloon Wedding and Party uses only the finest quality balloons, some balloons will occasionally deflate sooner than expected and will also be adversely affected by wind, rain, rough handling, sunlight and other uncontrollable factors.”
“Balloons are also very fragile and can sometimes burst through heavy handed handling, touching sharp objects or walls etc, or just because its time for it to burst. We cannot guarantee any construction after we have left the premises. We often take a photo of the construction before we leave”
“Due to the unexpected circumstances that can occur with any event, we reserve the right to make changes only in the best interest of our clients. If the facility is not available or set up at the promised time, decor may be left in the nearest acceptable location. Additional time required (if available) to complete the job will be billed at £25/hour.”